New Building Update

Beginning this Sunday, October 18, and on Sunday mornings for the foreseeable future, we will be meeting at the 7th Day Adventist building at the northeast corner of Government Way and Lancaster Road in Hayden (12940 N Government Way). 

This is a great opportunity for us in the near term to deal with the space limitations in our current facility, giving us more than double the meeting capacity. This should buy us time as we find a more permanent solution, and by continuing to hold two services, there will be plenty of room to spread out and many of our members will be able to return after being apart for the past few months.

As far as logistics go, when you enter the front doors and walk through the foyer, the sanctuary is on the left. There is a small library at the back of the sanctuary, to the right, which we intend to use for a cry room. To the right from the front doors, you’ll find the children’s classrooms (we hope to resume children’s’ classes soon) and the stairs. Downstairs is a large meeting area for overflow seating, with a direct entrance from the east side parking lot.

We still want to consider one another and respect appropriate spacing; if it seems the upstairs sanctuary is becoming too full, please use the overflow area downstairs. As a reminder: practice careful sanitation, and if you are sick, please stay home.

We are thankful to God for his provision of this building at this time, and we are thankful for the generosity of our hosts. We want to be good guests, taking care of their property, and leaving it in better condition than we find it every week. To do this, we’ll need your cooperation. Food and beverages (other than water) are not allowed in the upstairs area. Keep your children under your supervision and do not allow them to roam throughout the building. Please do what you can to pick up any mess you make or find. Also, if you would like to help in setting up or cleaning the building, let Abby know.